Mount Board Cutting

The use of Mount Boards can really bring something special to the finished framing and selecting the right mount is often the first step to achieving a perfect result. We use only the best quality acid-free Mount Boards from leading suppliers, Daler-Rowney and Colourmount.

The best colour, size and type of mount board to surround your image inside the frame, will depend on the style of your piece – you may opt for a single mount, a double mount to bring out a certain colour, a deep mount, a floating mount or one of many other options for something extra special. We have hundreds of colours to choose from and our staff can guide you through your choices, showing you any combinations you’d like to try and offering their advice so that you can choose exactly the right mount for your artwork.

Our mount cutter can easily deal with more complex shapes including circles and ovals with consistent accuracy. Not all work needs a mount, some will look better simply set straight into the right frame; by looking at all the options we can help you to decide what is best for your piece.